See 10 pictures of Rev. Obofour, his wife Ciara, and their beautiful kids

There are a number of captivating pictures that show Rev. Obofour, his wife, Ciara, and their adorable children.

These pictures can be seen in a series below. The photographs presented here are examples of the joyful and harmonious family life that they lead.

When you look through these pictures, you will be able to see the strong bond that Reverend Obofour and his family have.

The fact that they are so devoted to one another and so close-knit is proof of this.

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Anointed Palace Chapel (APC) is a successful church in Ghana that was started and is led by Reverend Obofour.

Reverend Obofour built his church in Kumasi, Ghana, in the Ashanti Region, close to Mamponten, also known as Fawoade, which is off of Mampong Road.

He moved to the Greater Accra Region in Ghana after some time.

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Obofour built his religious institution, which he called the Anointed Palace Chapel, with the help of God’s inspiration so that his people could be free.

Rev. Obofour runs his congregation without making taking offering while also running a number of other businesses, such as hotels in Ghana, a water company, an oil refinery in Liberia, and a gold firm.

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It was in May 2018 that Reverend Obofour said in public that he was the only real angel of God.

His reasoning was based on the fact that his name, Obofour, comes from the word “angel.” He said that the other practitioners had all been forgiven because he was the “true angel of God.”

People know him for the way he preaches and how much he wants to help others.

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Ciara, his wife, is a helpful partner who is by his side in their family life and ministry.

They have created a safe and loving home for their children and built a strong foundation for them.

The joy and happiness that this amazing family radiates is clear from these pictures. There is no doubt that they are truly blessed.

People say that the man of God is one of the wealthiest pastors in Ghana. His net worth is thought to be in the millions of leones.

Even though he is rich, he stays humble and continues to put his ministry and helping others first.

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Because of his success, he has been able to fund many charitable projects and help people in need, which has added to his reputation as a caring leader.

Rev. Obofour has almost twenty expensive cars, such as Rolls-Royces, Benzes, Land Cruisers, and more.

Rev. Obofour is known for living a fancy life and having an amazing collection of cars. He is often seen wearing designer clothes and jewelry.

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At one point, he gave more than fifteen expensive cars to people in his congregation.

He gave away a Jaguar to Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi, a Chrysler to Apostle Kennedy Afreh Poku, and a Hyundai to Auntie Bee Elantra of Efiewura. In that order.

It is worth $450,000 that he has his own Rolls-Royce Phantom from 2018.

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Next, Reverend Obofour bought his daughter a Ford Mustang for her ninth birthday. This was after he bought her a very expensive Rolls-Royce.

A lot of people were worried when they heard that Reverend Obofour was giving his nine-year-old daughter a high-end car as a gift.

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Besides that, he owns a Mitsuoka Galue, a Lamborghini Gallardo worth about $250,000, a Karma Revero worth $135,000, and a Maserati Levante worth $100,000.

It costs $200,000, and he just gave his wife a Rolls-Royce Ghost, which costs $450,000. He also has a G-Wagon, a Chrysler Prowler, and a Bently Continental.

Every single one of these cars is worth a lot of money. Even escalades are in the hands of the man of God.

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‘Bofowa’ is another name for Ciara Antwi, whom he is happily married to. They have been married for more than ten years.

They are raising five lovely kids. Lawrensa is the name of the oldest daughter in the family, and Oygam is the name of the oldest boy.

Jeremiah, and Jesse Antwi are the three children left in their family. They are triplets.

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The fact that Rev. Obofour and his wife Ciara like to flirt on their own Instagram accounts makes their marriage a great example of a happy marriage.

As a surprise for their tenth wedding anniversary in August 2020, Rev Obofour gave Ciara a 2020 G-Wagon worth $156,450.

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However, he doesn’t just spend his money on himself; he also uses it to help his church grow and develop.

His wife Cira Antwi aka Obofowaa and their five children live in the United States of America and enjoy the comforts that their father’s success has given them.


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Eddy Gilardino

An accomplished writer and information technology professional who is passionate about creating compelling content. He has a degree in information technology from Kwamе Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and has developed his skills in both technology and writing.  
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